You Won’t Like Her When She’s Hangry – The Growing Rage

Alura has anger management issues. Specifically, if she’s angry enough, she “manages” to grow into a giantess! A growing girl has to eat, of course – and there’s all these little bite-sized people who have pissed her off…

Synopsis: Alura has some issues, and her uncontrolled rage has manifested in an ability to grow into an angry giantess. Her newfound powers bring unwanted attention, and, after a few incidents, she’s captured by a science team who want to test the limitations of her powers…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, oral vore, mouth, growth, height increase, giantess, transformation, clothes ripping, soft vore, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, female prey, crushing, lesbian, pleasure, evil, revenge, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2024

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: MILVAGOS

Issue Link: The Growing Rage

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at


A Second Helping – The Old Witch Tavern 2

The hungry proprietors of The Old Witch Tavern are cooking up more of their famous food! But of course, their recipes just wouldn’t taste right without that personal touch…

Synopsis: In medieval Europe, a tavern ran by witches serves delicious dishes that are mixed with shrunken customers!

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Tang (Studio Arieta)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, shrunken man, shrunken woman, mouth, tongue, digestion, digestive system, female predator, male prey, female prey, multiple predators, multiple prey, magic

Issue Release Date: June 4th, 2024

Series Link: The Old Witch Tavern

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Working Lunch – The Job Interview

Running late for an interview, Giovanna is disappointed to find the hiring committee inexplicably absent. Since she had no time to grab lunch on the way, she decides to help herself to a few of the snacks on offer. But it turns out the interviewers may be a LOT closer than she thinks!

Synopsis: Giovanna, an unemployed doctor, goes to Sanctus Ignis Hospital for her job interview. Sadly, she’s late and it seems that there is no trace of the examination commission, so she decides to sit on the sofa and eat some snacks while waiting. However, it turns out there’s something very interesting hidden in those snacks…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, unaware, unaware vore, female predator, female prey, shrinking, shrunken woman, multiple prey, mouth, lips, tongue, teeth, uvula, stomach, digestion, digestive system

Issue Release Date: April 4th, 2024

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Milton Estevam

Issue Link: The Job Interview

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about The Job Interview? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

One-Eyed Three-Horned Giant Asian People Eater – Onihitokuchi

Four men dare each other to endure a test of courage: spending the night in a supposedly haunted cavern. It’s not long before they find out that the cavern’s dangers are all too real – and its inhabitant is the Onihitokuchi, a legendary giant monster girl who hungers for human flesh!

Synopsis: Four adult businessmen perform a test of courage and venture into a supposedly haunted cave where they encounter a legendary (and hungry) yokai…

Synopsis: Four adult businessmen perform a test of courage and venture into a supposedly haunted cave where they encounter a legendary (and hungry) yokai…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, giantess, oral vore, monster girl, female predator, male prey, multiple prey, digestive system, digestion, fantasy, magic

Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2024

Written By: Zaximus

Artwork By: YouLZ (Studio Arieta)

Issue Link: Onihitokuchi

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about Onihitokuchi? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

Munchable Personality Dis-vore-der – Pieces of Me

It’s one of the oldest lessons there is: be careful what you wish for. Marie didn’t heed this advice when she wished to be smaller – and now she’s got to hunt down and chow down a bunch of mini-Maries if she wants to get back to her old self!

Synopsis: Marie is a very tall girl and wishes to be smaller. A tricky fairy grants her wish, making Marie half her size and diminishing her personality. Discovering that the only way to reverse this curse is to capture and devour all of the tiny fragments of her personality that are now running around, Marie begins to hunt them down…

Tags: vore, shrunken vore, sizeplay, shrinking, shrunken woman, digestion, height increase, growth, female predator, female prey, multiple prey, magic

Issue Release Date: December 4th, 2023

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: Octo

Issue Link: Pieces of Me

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about Pieces of Me? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

International Cuisine – Earth Gets Eaten

Velara is craving a snack. For most people, this wouldn’t be a major problem, but since Velara is a goddess bigger than the Sun, it’s about to be everyone’s problem! Watch as Earth Gets Eaten in a cataclysmic case of the munchies!

Synopsis: Earth’s end has come! Not at the hands of aliens, global warming, or another world war. No, it’s something far more random… it’s at the hands of a goddess! The Goddess of Creation, Velara, is starving and has entered our realm and solar system to make Earth her next meal!

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, giantess, goddess, digestion, insertion, anal insertion, digestive system, planetary vore, female predator, male prey, female prey, multiple prey, burp, nudity, magic

Issue Release Date: November 4th, 2023

Written By: Stevie K.

Artwork By:WantedWaifus

Issue Link: Earth Gets Eaten

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about Earth Gets Eaten? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

It’s a Jungle Out There! – Gecko Bites

After crash-landing on an uncharted planet, a starship crew runs afoul of some of the wildlife – specifically, a colossal alien lizard-girl who’s determined to chow down on some man-wiches!

Synopsis: A group of mercenaries trapped on an alien planet run afoul of a local inhabitant: a gargantuan gecko-like alien girl looking for a meal!

Written By: Zaximus

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, monster girl, alien woman, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, beast vore, giantess, digestion, science, sci-fi

Issue Release Date: September 4th, 2023

Issue Link: Gecko Bites

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


  • What did you think about Gecko Bites? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Bar Food – The Old Witch Tavern

Ho, traveler! Has your journey left you craving a good home-cooked meal? Stop in at the Old Witch Tavern if you fancy a bite. Just make sure you’re not the one being bitten…

Synopsis: In medieval Europe, a tavern ran by witches serves delicious dishes that are mixed with shrunken customers!

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Tang (Studio Arieta)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, shrinking, shrunken man, shrunken woman, mouth, tongue, digestion, digestive system, female predator, male prey, female prey, multiple predators, multiple prey, magic

Issue Release Date: July 4th, 2023

Issue Link: The Old Witch Tavern

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


This Test is Oral – Monica’s Exam

A student seeking help with her anatomy class ends up getting a closely detailed look at the human digestive tract… from the inside! Monica’s Exam may have been a looming worry, but now she’s going to have to pass a test of survival!

Synopsis: Monica, a medical student, is having trouble studying the anatomy of the digestive system. So, she decides to ask her teacher for help, since she is a famous doctor specialized in Gastroenterology… but things go very different from what she expected!

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, shrinking, shrunken woman, mouth, stomach, digestion, digestive system, MILF, female prey, female predator, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2023

Issue Link: Monica’s Exam

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Digestive Deep Dive – Miss Delaine’s Odd Snacks 3

An unfortunate pair of shrunken scientists continue their journey through the digestion of a coworker while contending with the fallout of her bizarre eating habits in Miss Delaine’s Odd Snacks 3! Just what the hell has she been eating?!

Synopsis: As Parker and Hernandez dive deeper into Miss Delaine’s digestive tract, they find her small intestines teeming with even more danger! The men must navigate through the long tubes of the intestines, avoiding all manner of bizarre creatures that inhabit Miss Delaine’s body. Will they find a way to escape?

Written By: KevinFred

Artwork By: Xue (Sedna Studio)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, digestion, unaware, unaware vore, blob vore, multiple victims, shrunken man, micro, POV, science

Issue Release Date: June 4th, 2023

Series Link: Miss Delaine’s Odd Snacks

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!