You Won’t Like Her When She’s Hangry – The Growing Rage

Alura has anger management issues. Specifically, if she’s angry enough, she “manages” to grow into a giantess! A growing girl has to eat, of course – and there’s all these little bite-sized people who have pissed her off…

Synopsis: Alura has some issues, and her uncontrolled rage has manifested in an ability to grow into an angry giantess. Her newfound powers bring unwanted attention, and, after a few incidents, she’s captured by a science team who want to test the limitations of her powers…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, oral vore, mouth, growth, height increase, giantess, transformation, clothes ripping, soft vore, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, female prey, crushing, lesbian, pleasure, evil, revenge, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2024

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: MILVAGOS

Issue Link: The Growing Rage

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at


The Inpatient – Another Meeting with Dr. Beckett

Stressed-out overeater Cindy has Another Meeting with Dr. Beckett, and she’s hoping to get some help with her dietary disorder. It’s safe to say that once the session is over, it won’t be Cindy’s eating habits that are causing her trouble…


Synopsis: It has been two weeks since the therapy session with Adam has occurred, and Dr. Juli Beckett still carries her previous patient on her blossomed gut and hips. However, when another patient, Cindy Tong, comes into Beckett’s office to fret over her eating disorder, Dr. Beckett may just have to make room in her busy schedule (and gut) for some more therapy!

Another-Meeting-with-Dr-Beckett_02-logo-socialmedia Another-Meeting-with-Dr-Beckett_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: Stephanie Swallows

Artwork By: Xue (Sedna Studio)

Tags: vore, same-size vore, weight gain, female predator, female prey, soft vore, digestion, psychological, therapist, clothes ripping, therapy, F/F, desire

Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2023

Series Link: Meeting with Dr. Beckett

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Immersion Therapy – Meeting with Dr. Beckett

Our newest comic is about a young man in need of therapy who goes for a Meeting with Dr. Beckett to talk about his issues. An odd confession he makes seems like a lot to digest, but it may end up being a very fulfilling experience for both of them!


Synopsis: Adam Scott checks in with his regular (and most favorite) therapist, Dr. Juli Beckett. However, diving deeper into his fears and desires leads Adam to an unusual revelation that he must accept and embrace…

Meeting-with-Dr-Beckett_01-logo-socialmedia Meeting-with-Dr-Beckett_01-page-socialmedia

Written By: Stephanie Swallows

Artwork By: Xue (Sedna Studio)

Tags: vore, same-size vore, female predator, male prey, soft vore, digestion, psychological, therapist, clothes ripping, therapy, F/M, desire

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: November 4th, 2021

Issue Link: Meeting with Dr. Beckett

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Moving In (To Her Gut) – Consumed From Within

Consumed From Within features a real estate agent who isn’t so much selling a home as she is stocking her pantry!


Synopsis: The house of Mary Celeste has never been occupied for long. Every buyer vanishes within a week of moving in, their belongings hardly touched and no signs of forced entry. The buyers just seem to vanish into thin air… or a toned stomach. Specifically, the toned stomach of real estate agent Jessica Goodbelly: the woman responsible for selling the infamous house.

Consumed-From-Within_01-cover Consumed-From-Within_01-page

Written By: Darkflame

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, same-size vore, oral vore, soft vore, digestion, big belly vore, female pred, female prey, male prey, F/M, F/FFF, multiple victims, weight gain, gluttonous pred, clothes ripping

Issue Release Date: May 4th, 2021

Issue Link: Consumed From Within

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Anti-Aging Foods – MILF in Cheap Clothing

Our latest comic, MILF in Cheap Clothing, features a mysterious old woman who grants herself a young and amazonian body by devouring anyone with a figure sexier than her own!


Synopsis: Gretl Stein wants to be younger and sexier. Fortunately, for her, she’s found a way to do just that. Unfortunately, for everyone else, that process requires the occasional meal…

cover page

Issue Release Date: August 18th, 2020

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, attribute vore, same-size vore, age change, MILF, button popping, shoe splitting, outgrowing clothes, clothes ripping, tongue stretching, height increase, breast expansion, muscle growth, female muscle

Issue Link: MILF in Cheap Clothing

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about MILF in Cheap Clothing? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

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Just Say Vore – Muncher: Not Even Once

Vore Fan proudly presents a very important and informative PSA about the latest scourge to hit our streets in Muncher: Not Even Once!


Synopsis: There’s a dark side to a hot new product on the streets. It’s turning women into domineering — and hungry — monsters.

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Issue Release Date: March 4th, 2020

Written By Adipose Rex

Artwork By: Kaka (Sedna Studio)

Tags: same-size vore, vore belly, big belly, weight gain, oral vore, clothes ripping, multiple predators, height increase, science

Issue Link: Muncher: Not Even Once

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think of Muncher: Not Even Once? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Hierarchy Hedonism – When a Predator Loves a Prey

A vulnerable working class woman is protected by her powerful lover from the cruel realities of their supposedly utopian society in When a Predator Loves a Prey, one of the most unique comics Vore Fan has released thus far!


Synopsis: Predator and Prey are not equal. Yet, this world enforces rules that attempt to make them so. These rules force these two opposites into boxes that they were not meant for, but there are those who adapt to these circumstances…

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Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2020

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: vore, giantess, mini-giantess, authoritarian, unbirth, oral vore, breast expansion, ass expansion, hourglass, clothes ripping, lesbians, yuri, romance, erotic

Issue Link: When a Predator Loves a Prey

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think of When a Predator Loves a Prey? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Taste Testing – Clone Zone

One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time becomes an eccentric businesswoman’s lunch in the first issue of Clone Zone!


Synopsis: At a secret research facility, Mary and her team have finally created the first successful batch of human clones. Mary is excited to show them off to her benefactor, Veronica, but Mary learns too late that Veronica has other plans for the clones…

clone_zone CloneZone01p05GFXlettersTakusa

Issue Release Date: January 4th, 2019

Written By: Sojax

Artwork By: Ponce (AlterComics)

Tags: soft vore, same-size vore, weight gain, big belly, growth, clothes ripping, clones, science

Issue Link: Clone Zone

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think of Clone Zone? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Monsters Eating Monsters – Summoning The Darkness

Several soldiers from the Imperial Japanese Army and members of the Nazi Party are devoured by the mystical power they’d sought to control in Summoning The Darkness, the latest release from Vore Fan Comics!


Synopsis: 1942 – An ancient Japanese mask has been sealed away for hundreds of years. Hitler sends his best female operatives to join forces with a Japanese guide. Together they will explore an abandoned Japanese temple to search for this forgotten relic that could win the war. However, the mask has other plans for the temple’s intruders. Will they escape its hunger?

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Issue Release Date: October 4th, 2019

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By Amblagar

Tags: vore, monster vore, transformation, non-human pred, female prey and male pred, magic

Issue Link: Summoning The Darkness

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think of Summoning The Darkness? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Why Divorce When You Can Digest – Totally Absorbed

One woman finally gets revenge on her cruel husband after one too many insults and an inexplicable transformation in the first issue of Vore Fan‘s newest series: Totally Absorbed!


Synopsis: What happens when a woman discovers that she can not only absorb food into her body… but other people? First comes the fridge, then her husband! Watch out for Marge as she grows bigger and bigger!

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Tags: mini-giantess, vore, absorption vore, BBW, boob crush, clothes ripping, nudity, sex, humiliation

Issue Release Date: June 4th, 2019

Written by: Aaron Farkas

Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone

Color by: Slasher

Issue Link: Totally Absorbed

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about Totally Absorbed? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at