You Won’t Like Her When She’s Hangry – The Growing Rage

Alura has anger management issues. Specifically, if she’s angry enough, she “manages” to grow into a giantess! A growing girl has to eat, of course – and there’s all these little bite-sized people who have pissed her off…

Synopsis: Alura has some issues, and her uncontrolled rage has manifested in an ability to grow into an angry giantess. Her newfound powers bring unwanted attention, and, after a few incidents, she’s captured by a science team who want to test the limitations of her powers…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, oral vore, mouth, growth, height increase, giantess, transformation, clothes ripping, soft vore, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, female prey, crushing, lesbian, pleasure, evil, revenge, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2024

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: MILVAGOS

Issue Link: The Growing Rage

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at


Spies Like (Eating) Us – The Voracious Hit-Woman 4

Lana’s back to work after she survived her training days! She’s no longer just The Voracious Hit-Woman – now she’s getting some different kinds of assignments requiring additional skills! However, the job is starting to feel like a dull grind… maybe meeting a cute girl in a bar can cheer her up?


Synopsis: Being trained from scratch was a harrowing experience for Lana and the job doesn’t feel like it has the same magic as it once did. It now feels less like an endless buffet and more like swallowing lumps of cardboard. Perhaps she needs something new in her life to shake things up…?

The-Voracious-Hit-Woman_04-logo-socialmedia The-Voracious-Hit-Woman_04-page-socialmedia

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: vore, same-size vore, oral vore, soft vore, digestion, noir, female predator, female prey, multiple prey, multiple predators, matryoshka doll vore, lesbians, f/f

Issue Release Date: August 4th, 2022

Series Link: The Voracious Hit-Woman

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Vore: Love and Hunger – When a Pred Loves a Prey 2

We return to the… “unusual” relationship between Astara and her prey/wife in issue 2 of When a Predator Loves a Prey! Have a look at the daily life of the unlucky prey before the Equality Party changed things – and get a taste of what Astara’s first feeding was like!


Synopsis: Predator and Prey are not equal. For most of history, this was the way. This, however, would change against all odds. At long last, Predators and Prey would become equals… at least on paper. This is a story set during that change about two lovers who met because of it…

When-a-Predator-Loves-a-Prey_02-logo-socialmedia When-a-Predator-Loves-a-Prey_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: vore, same-size vore, giantess, mini-giantess, authoritarian, rampage, oral vore, lesbians, yuri, romance, erotic

Issue Release Date: December 18th, 2021

Series Link: When a Predator Loves a Prey

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Hungry Hungry Hitters – The Voracious Hit-Woman 2

The Voracious Hit-Woman is back in today’s comic… and she’s about to learn the hard way that there’s always a more dangerous predator!


Synopsis: Lana’s been enjoying her life as a voracious hit-woman so far, but she’s been careless… and her employers don’t like careless. So now, she’s going to be exposed to a part of her world that she’s never known. Lana’s going to learn that no one is unique. Not even her.

cover page

Issue Release Date: November 4, 2020

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: Wanted Waifus

Tags: vore, same-size vore, lesbians, soft vore, oral vore, noir, multiple prey, multiple predators, breast expansion, ass expansion

Series Link: The Voracious Hit-Woman

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


Hierarchy Hedonism – When a Predator Loves a Prey

A vulnerable working class woman is protected by her powerful lover from the cruel realities of their supposedly utopian society in When a Predator Loves a Prey, one of the most unique comics Vore Fan has released thus far!


Synopsis: Predator and Prey are not equal. Yet, this world enforces rules that attempt to make them so. These rules force these two opposites into boxes that they were not meant for, but there are those who adapt to these circumstances…

when_a_predator_loves_a_prey___opposites_attract_by_vore_fan_comics_ddihkfh-fullview very_unlucky_prey_by_vore_fan_comics_ddihk0g-fullview

Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2020

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: vore, giantess, mini-giantess, authoritarian, unbirth, oral vore, breast expansion, ass expansion, hourglass, clothes ripping, lesbians, yuri, romance, erotic

Issue Link: When a Predator Loves a Prey

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think of When a Predator Loves a Prey? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Lewdey Tunes – Fast and Furry Us

Vore Fan and Monster Girl Fan have teamed up to produce Fast and Furry Us, the erotic reimagining of an iconic cartoon comedy duo!


Synopsis: Legs the road runner girl loves to do as her name implies. She is constantly pursued by Snowfall the cat girl. But what exactly does Snowfall want with Legs?

fast_and_furry_us-cover Fast-and-Furry-Us_01-14

Release Date: January 29th, 2020

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: attempted vore, bird girl, cat girl, pursuit, lesbian sex, comedy, super-speed, romance, erotic

Issue Link: Fast and Furry Us

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about Fast and Furry Us? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Escape from Jessica – Endonaut 2

Endonaut‘s miniaturized protagonist makes a desperate attempt to escape his girlfriend’s body in the second issue of this Vore Fan series, but things don’t quite go as planned…


Synopsis: As Jessica and Darcy’s sex continues, Jake makes his way to Jessica’s belly in order to escape her body and get her attention. But can he get their attention at his small size? Or will he be lost in their lustful acts?

Endonaut-2-cover-uncensored Endonaut-2-preview-uncensored

Tags: sizeplay, shrunken man, full tour, anal, endo, strap-on, sex, lesbians, bi-sexual

Issue Release Date: March 4th, 2018

Written By: Stevie K.

Artwork By: Dai (Sedna Studio)

Series Link: Endonaut

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about Endonaut 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Her First Taste – Developing Hunger 4

Allison completes her transformation into a vore predator and enjoys her first few meals in the newly released Developing Hunger 4!


Synopsis: Jessica’s mom makes herself known and a family trait is revealed. Allison wants to get in on the action.

Developing-Hunger_Issue-4_Cover_250118_color Developing-Hunger-4-09-(2)

Tags: vore, vaginal vore, sex, prehensile tongue, MILF, attribute vore, attribute transfer, rebirth

Issue release date: July 4th, 2018

Written By: Giantess-Cassie

Artwork By: Melek (Alter Comics)

Series Link: Developing Hunger

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about Developing Hunger 4? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at

Butt Stuff – Endonaut

A man with the ability to shrink his body gets himself into a literal buttload of trouble when he accidentally slips inside his girlfriend’s ass in the first chapter of Endonaut!


Synopsis: Jake, a 22-year old man born with both the power to shrink to near-microscopic size and invulnerability, shrinks down to 1/2 an inch tall, and sneaks up on his openly bi-sexual girlfriend Jessica while she’s on the toilet in order to surprise her. Unfortunately, this plan fails, and he falls into Jessica’s butt unnoticed as she’s leaving and gets anal-vored. Now, Jake must travel through Jessica’s digestive system to get her attention. However, Jessica’s best friend and equally bi-sexual fuck-buddy, Darcy, comes over for some fun… at Jake’s expense…

endonaut___anal_vore_adventurer_by_vore_fan_comics-dc3c0u8 ZhaoWeiyi-weiyi---Endonaut-#-1-Edited-004

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2018

Written by: Stevie K.

Artwork by: Dai (Sedna Studio)

Tags: giantess, shrunken man, anal vore, endo, full tour, bi-sexual, lesbians, rimming, strap-on, anal tonguing, unaware

Issue Link: Endonaut

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about Endonaut? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at