You Won’t Like Her When She’s Hangry – The Growing Rage

Alura has anger management issues. Specifically, if she’s angry enough, she “manages” to grow into a giantess! A growing girl has to eat, of course – and there’s all these little bite-sized people who have pissed her off…

Synopsis: Alura has some issues, and her uncontrolled rage has manifested in an ability to grow into an angry giantess. Her newfound powers bring unwanted attention, and, after a few incidents, she’s captured by a science team who want to test the limitations of her powers…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, oral vore, mouth, growth, height increase, giantess, transformation, clothes ripping, soft vore, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, female prey, crushing, lesbian, pleasure, evil, revenge, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2024

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: MILVAGOS

Issue Link: The Growing Rage

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at


One-Eyed Three-Horned Giant Asian People Eater – Onihitokuchi

Four men dare each other to endure a test of courage: spending the night in a supposedly haunted cavern. It’s not long before they find out that the cavern’s dangers are all too real – and its inhabitant is the Onihitokuchi, a legendary giant monster girl who hungers for human flesh!

Synopsis: Four adult businessmen perform a test of courage and venture into a supposedly haunted cave where they encounter a legendary (and hungry) yokai…

Synopsis: Four adult businessmen perform a test of courage and venture into a supposedly haunted cave where they encounter a legendary (and hungry) yokai…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, giantess, oral vore, monster girl, female predator, male prey, multiple prey, digestive system, digestion, fantasy, magic

Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2024

Written By: Zaximus

Artwork By: YouLZ (Studio Arieta)

Issue Link: Onihitokuchi

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about Onihitokuchi? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

International Cuisine – Earth Gets Eaten

Velara is craving a snack. For most people, this wouldn’t be a major problem, but since Velara is a goddess bigger than the Sun, it’s about to be everyone’s problem! Watch as Earth Gets Eaten in a cataclysmic case of the munchies!

Synopsis: Earth’s end has come! Not at the hands of aliens, global warming, or another world war. No, it’s something far more random… it’s at the hands of a goddess! The Goddess of Creation, Velara, is starving and has entered our realm and solar system to make Earth her next meal!

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, giantess, goddess, digestion, insertion, anal insertion, digestive system, planetary vore, female predator, male prey, female prey, multiple prey, burp, nudity, magic

Issue Release Date: November 4th, 2023

Written By: Stevie K.

Artwork By:WantedWaifus

Issue Link: Earth Gets Eaten

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!

ALSO: What did you think about Earth Gets Eaten? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!

It’s a Jungle Out There! – Gecko Bites

After crash-landing on an uncharted planet, a starship crew runs afoul of some of the wildlife – specifically, a colossal alien lizard-girl who’s determined to chow down on some man-wiches!

Synopsis: A group of mercenaries trapped on an alien planet run afoul of a local inhabitant: a gargantuan gecko-like alien girl looking for a meal!

Written By: Zaximus

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, monster girl, alien woman, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, beast vore, giantess, digestion, science, sci-fi

Issue Release Date: September 4th, 2023

Issue Link: Gecko Bites

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


  • What did you think about Gecko Bites? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Bite-Size Bandits – Inverse Consequences

A gang of bandits makes a fatal mistake when they abduct the traveling companion of a hungry changeling in Inverse Consequences! She’s about to get really big… and so is her appetite!


Synopsis: En route to a certain village, Galen, a man of medicine, and his companion Rowan, a changeling who owes him her life, stop to rest. When Rowan awakens to find Galen has been kidnapped by would-be bandits, she sees this as an opportunity to fulfill her debt and sets out to both retrieve him and give the bandits their just due.

Inverse-Consequences_01-logo-socialmedia Inverse-Consequences_01-page-socialmedia

Written By: Zaximus

Artwork By: YouLZ (Studio Arieta)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, oral vore, growth, giantess, monster girl, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, shrinking, shrunken man, revenge, fantasy, magic

Issue Release Date: July 4h, 2022

Issue Link: Inverse Consequences

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


What We Chew in the Shadows – Paranormal Consumption Agency

When there’s something hungry in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? A team of elite hunters from the Paranormal Consumption Agency! These covert operatives are ready to turn the tables on people-eating monsters across the country!


Synopsis: Lisa Bake and Sophia Remington are best friends and part of an agency that dwells in the shadows. They hunt the things that prey on innocent people. When a bigger plot unfolds to threaten the world, they rally together to seek out the clues they need to help save their world.

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Written By: JV-Zombie

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, same-size vore, mini-giantess, weight gain, transformation, monster girl, multiple predators, multiple prey, magic

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2022

Issue Link: PCA – Paranormal Consumption Agency

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Vore: Love and Hunger – When a Pred Loves a Prey 2

We return to the… “unusual” relationship between Astara and her prey/wife in issue 2 of When a Predator Loves a Prey! Have a look at the daily life of the unlucky prey before the Equality Party changed things – and get a taste of what Astara’s first feeding was like!


Synopsis: Predator and Prey are not equal. For most of history, this was the way. This, however, would change against all odds. At long last, Predators and Prey would become equals… at least on paper. This is a story set during that change about two lovers who met because of it…

When-a-Predator-Loves-a-Prey_02-logo-socialmedia When-a-Predator-Loves-a-Prey_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: SV Writer

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: vore, same-size vore, giantess, mini-giantess, authoritarian, rampage, oral vore, lesbians, yuri, romance, erotic

Issue Release Date: December 18th, 2021

Series Link: When a Predator Loves a Prey

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


A Snake Goes On Her Belly – A Goddess’ Hunger

A monstrous goddess hidden within a remote shrine craves living flesh… and she doesn’t get to indulge very often. So, when she does, anyone unlucky enough to be near her resting place is on a one-way trip down the hatch!


Synopsis: Somewhere in the world, there is a shrine to a snake goddess, near forgotten to the world. In the past, she was well-regarded and beloved by her people. But now… she waits in her forgotten shrine… and she is hungry…

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Written By: SV Writer

Lineart By: Raffaele Ricciardi

Colors By: Ruben Curto

Tags: vore, giantess, sizeplay vore, vore belly, oral vore, monster vore, beast vore, monster girl, multiple prey

Issue Release Date: June 4th, 2021

Issue Link: A Goddess’ Hunger

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum – Christian Blood

An unfortunate traveler runs afoul of two monstrous giantesses hungry for some Christian Blood in today’s comic! Can he get out of this ungodly predicament, or is he damned to the bowels of hell?


Synopsis: In the alpine forests of Norway, a pious young traveler wanders through the middle of night when he suddenly finds himself face-to-face with an unpleasant pair of giant, man-eating trolls. Taken deep into the mountains, he is forced to keep his wits about him if he doesn’t wish to end up as their next meal.

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Artwork By: Nora (Studio Arieta)

Written By: Jafs

Tags: sizeplay vore, vore, giantess, mouthplay, digestion, evil, monster girl

Issue Release Date: February 18th, 2021

Issue Link: Christian Blood

To download this comic and all of our other vore comics purchase a 1-month membership to Vore Fan!


Eating Your Problems Away – A Delicious Revenge

Two friends choose to DISSOLVE rather than ABSOLVE their abusive (and freshly shrunk) ex-boyfriends in A Delicious Revenge!


Synopsis: After many years of suffering due to abusive boyfriends, Sandra now lives with her friend Barbara. When Barbara turns 45, Sandra gives her a little gift box. After opening it, the woman discovers that the box is full of Sandra’s shrunken ex-boyfriends. Barbara begins a journey into her deepest desires… and Sandra is about to get her revenge.

a_delicious_revenge-cover A-Delicious-Revenge_01-page

Issue Release Date: August 4th, 2020

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Su (Studio Arieta)

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, digestion, giantess, shrinking, shrunken men, evil, revenge, MILF

Issue Link: A Delicious Revenge

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


  • What did you think about A Delicious Revenge? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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