You Won’t Like Her When She’s Hangry – The Growing Rage

Alura has anger management issues. Specifically, if she’s angry enough, she “manages” to grow into a giantess! A growing girl has to eat, of course – and there’s all these little bite-sized people who have pissed her off…

Synopsis: Alura has some issues, and her uncontrolled rage has manifested in an ability to grow into an angry giantess. Her newfound powers bring unwanted attention, and, after a few incidents, she’s captured by a science team who want to test the limitations of her powers…

Tags: vore, sizeplay vore, mouthplay, oral vore, mouth, growth, height increase, giantess, transformation, clothes ripping, soft vore, female predator, multiple prey, male prey, female prey, crushing, lesbian, pleasure, evil, revenge, science

Issue Release Date: June 18th, 2024

Written By: John Vore

Artwork By: MILVAGOS

Issue Link: The Growing Rage

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at


Anti-Aging Foods – MILF in Cheap Clothing

Our latest comic, MILF in Cheap Clothing, features a mysterious old woman who grants herself a young and amazonian body by devouring anyone with a figure sexier than her own!


Synopsis: Gretl Stein wants to be younger and sexier. Fortunately, for her, she’s found a way to do just that. Unfortunately, for everyone else, that process requires the occasional meal…

cover page

Issue Release Date: August 18th, 2020

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Octo

Tags: vore, attribute vore, same-size vore, age change, MILF, button popping, shoe splitting, outgrowing clothes, clothes ripping, tongue stretching, height increase, breast expansion, muscle growth, female muscle

Issue Link: MILF in Cheap Clothing

Download this comic and all of our other Vore comics at!


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