Wonderful Appetite 5

Wonder Woman is Earth's largest and mightiest heroine. Since her change a few years ago, the team has been putting her powers to good use and, judging by her gut, she hasn't lost a single battle.

Darkseid attacked Earth, but with Wonder Woman on their side, most of his army was devoured. He attempted to flee back to Apokolips, but the team used a Boom Tube to chase him to his home planet before setting Wonder Woman to work.

A few hours later, they find her slurping Darkseid down like a piece of spaghetti. Green Lantern attempted to make a joke about how big she'd gotten. Big mistake! With a speed seemingly impossible for one of her weight, she stood up and quickly sat back down on Green Lantern, leaving a slight crack in the ground and trapping her teammate beneath her mighty ass.

She then winked at Batman after slurping Darkseid down, indicating she expected some fun later...

Story by MrSinister1990
Artwork by Oscar Celestini

High resolution (2500x3742)

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