Where's the Sidekick?

Good evening, Gotham City, and welcome to another exciting episode of... "WHERE'S THE SIDEKICK?" I'm your host, The Riddler. Welcome to our show, folks! Playing today we have Gotham's very own Caped Crusader, the Batman! Now, for those of you at home, here are the rules: Batman's ex-Robin turned edgy solo hero Nightwing has been fed to of one of these three beautiful ladies. Introducing... "Belly Number 1," Catwoman! "Belly Number 2," Poison Ivy! And "Belly Number 3," Harley Quinn! Now, remember folks, only one of these bellies contains Batman's former protege. The other two contain paid actors! If the Batman guesses right, Nightwing will be immediately released. Should our stalwart Dark Knight guess wrong, however, our diligent backstage crew will whisk away our three ladies, and Batman will never see his angsty friend ever again! So, Batman, riddle me this... 'WHERE'S THE SIDEKICK?'"

Story by Kid Clef
Artwork by Emmanuel Xerx Javier

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