The Two Peasants

Two young peasant women were standing by a makeshift fence looking at the gathering of royals and nobles on a field for a banquet.

The first peasant cried out in frustration. "How contemptible is our condition! We labor and toil yet hardly exist, for we hold no sort of rank in society and are utterly unnoticed by the world! Curse our obscurity! Why was I not born a noble so that I could bask in the glory and pride of a royal feast?”

Just then, a large dragon descended onto the middle of the field among the nobles. The creature didn’t hesitate before it began scoping up people with its large maw and gulping them down. A few managed to flee, but most of the beautiful and richly dressed maidens found themselves swallowed whole and alive by the dragon.

"This is the lordly banquet you wished to be a part of?” The first peasant's companion spoke smugly as yet another noblewoman was snatched up and sent down the dragon’s gullet. “Let this teach you to be content with your lot!”

The moral of the story? Contentment is not a matter of rank or position.

Story by Oberon
Artwork by Octo - Rol Enriquez

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