It had been a long time since the mighty dragon had last eaten, but fortune was by his side when he flew over a castle and discovered a group of human women inside the castle garden. The garden itself was enclosed by a huge stonewall on three sides with a castle wall on the forth sporting a huge (and open) door.
Such an easy meal was too good to be wasted on the king’s personal pleasure, so he dived down from the sky and landed in the garden. The women he discovered were clad in scandalously thin clothes and obviously came from foreign lands, as some of them wore silky veils that covered their faces and colorful loincloths.
Seeing him land right among them, the females instantly recognized the danger and began screaming. That is, not before he had managed to grab the closest one in his claws, stripped off what little clothes she had, and swallowed her kicking body whole. The other women ran inside the castle and tried to close the door after themselves, but the dragon was a strong creature and pushed the huge door open with ease. This caused the harem girls to scatter around the room.
Once inside, he immediately saw it was the banquet hall. How fitting. Another thing the dragon noticed was that he could not see any other ways out other than the way they all had gotten in. The dragon quickly managed to close the door after him and blocked it with a pile of tables. Then the feast began.
One by one he gulped them down, one tasty and exotic morsel after the other. He ate and ate until, suddenly, he heard the alarming sound of a trumpet outside.
With only a few left anyways and already feeling so full that he was hardly able to walk, he went back to the door and pushed away the tables. The dragon opened the door with the same amount of ease that had first gotten him inside the castle's banquet hall and was about to press himself outside when he discovered something alarming about himself: he was now so full that he was unable to get out of the door!
He craned his neck towards the sound of running soldiers. It seemed that his own greed and hunger had trapped him this time.
Tags: Non-human, sizeplay, multiple victims, vore belly, digestion, x-ray shot
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Story by Oberon |
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Artwork by Oscar Celestini |
High resolution (2500x3742)