The ambassador of the ant-girl colony approached the bee-girl hive with a deep breath. She was charged with making sure that the bee-girls of the forest were not going to war over the ant colony's expansion leaking into the bee's territory. Sure, the ant-girls were stronger and more numerous, but the bee-girls had more fliers and had stingers that could do nasty damage to the ant-girls if things got messy.
The ambassador flew to the hive with her human prisoners, showing off her incredible strength as she was able to carry all of them. Once she arrived at the hive, guards approached her with their stingers drawn. "Hold!" A bee-girl called out, standing at attention. "The hive hazz been expecting you," she continued, hovering in the air.
Another bee-girl buzzed, "Welcome to the hive! Thizz one hazz been sent to take you to our queen!" Quickly, she went to the back of the line to pick up a straggling human, assisting the ant-girl. "Thizz one would not want thezze humanzz to slow uzz down."
The bee-girl led the ant-girl ambassador inside, through royal honey chambers, and finally to the bee queen.
"Thizz one izz pleazzed you have made it unharmed," The queen welcomed. "Thizz one'zz forcezz have been watching for a while."
The ant-girl ambassador nodded. "Okay, then, this one supposes we should get to the point. This one's colony intends to expand, and this offering was brought to help smooth relations."
The bee queen put her hand to her chin, thinking in consideration. The queens of the bee hives and the ant colonies had one thing in common-- they liked to be treated as royalty.
"Thizz one would ask if your queen would demand that thizz one'zz workerzz treat her as their queen," the bee queen buzzed.
"Oh no," the ambassador replied. "We know we are the ones encroaching. She just wished to know if you would require our workers to treat you as their queen."
The bee queen thought on the subject. "Hmmm, thizz one izz not unreazzonable. Thizz one may be willing to allow your colony into thizz one'zz territory. Although, thizz one would like to know how it benefitzz the hive."
"Ah, that is something this one can provide," the ambassador replied. She continued into a rehearsed speech about how their upcoming invasion of the nearby human settlement would force the humans to flee into the forest, leading to an increase in food production for the bee girls.
The bee queen seemed smirked. "An excellent outcome," the queen said. "Thizz one thinkzz the colonies will make great alliezz. Come, let uzz celebrate our new alliance!" she said, then devoured one of the humans in one bite, inviting the ant-girl to do the same.
Tags: giantess, honey, vore, larger pred, smaller pred, female pred, multiple pred, smaller prey, multiple prey, enlarged belly, same-size vore
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Story by Soroxas2 |
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Artwork by Oscar Celestini |
High resolution (2500x3742)