The Ant-bassador Aftermath

The ant girl ambassador and the bee queen finished their meal. The bee queen cooed as she held one of the human girls against her breast, making her drink the honey from her boobs. She burped as she leaned back.

Her workers began to store the remaining girls in the honeycomb. Now that the queen was done with her meal, the rest were fair game for the hive, but the workers wanted the humans to marinate in the honey first. The guard took a redhead, licking her lips. "Mmmmm, thizzz one likezzz red-headed humanzzz," she buzzed as she licked the redhead's lips, preparing to partake in her meal.

Two weeks later. Penelope ran through the forest away from the castle town that used to be her home. The ant girls had appeared out of nowhere, burrowing into the town from underground, and began swallowing people. They were capturing them to take back to their nest. It was a miracle that Penelope had gotten away when she did. She did find it a little odd that the ant girls didn't attack her despite having the opportunity to, but she figured she didn't have the luxury to figure out their motives. She just needed to get out and--

What was that shadow? Suddenly, Penelope was picked up from the ground by a hungry bee girl. She screamed as the bug girl licked her lips. The bee and her sisters were waiting for any humans that the ant girls herded out of town, as per their agreement.

The bee girl licked Penelope's cheek as she flew back to the hive. She would get to enjoy this one all on her own.

Story by Soroxas2
Artwork by Oscar Celestini

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