Sampling the Local Flavor

When the fateful day came that Julie inexplicably grew through her ceiling, she had second thoughts about using her fellow humans for food.

That is, of course, until she tried it and realized just how delicious they were, how great it felt as they struggled in her belly in fear of their digestion, and how hot it was to rise to the peak of the food chain by completely dominating the entire human race.

That was a long time ago. Now, Julie has grown accustomed to being a giantess.

She normally avoids large cities, allowing such major population centers to remain so that her meals could reproduce adequately. After all, she wouldn't want the human race to become scarce: she'd run low on her favorite food!

However, she allowed herself a special occasion on the last day of every month when she would pick a city at random and gorge herself, swallowing as many people as she could. She would pull them from buildings, from cars, even from their homes. Nowhere was safe. If you were in that city, you were going into her belly and becoming part of her that day.

It was at times like this, when she could relax, unwind, and digest thousands of people within her at once, that she truly loved being a giantess.

Story by MJ709
Artwork by Octo - Joseph Olesco

High resolution (2195x3150)

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