Miss Biomassive!

After years of failing and toiling, spending time behind bars and being humiliated... she had done it. She'd absorbed her rivals.

The events cascaded in an unusual manner, but with each heroine she swallowed, the notorious Miss Biomassive gained their powers, strengths... and eventually their minds. The massive amount of sheer bio-matter she took in caused her once thick and curvy form to erupt into a fecund and fat-layered form with no equal in the world. The monstrously fat woman had ingested the entirety of the 8 woman hero squad, their faces plastered across her belly like tattoos.

Giggling, Miss Biomassive began to waddle out of the park. She'd already started to forget their names, seeing as they would never regain the individuality they'd lost. They were a part of her now.

Story by Steakhouse
Artwork by Sedna - Wang

High resolution (3300x5100)

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