Madam Mim Wins

The epic wizard's duel between the noble Merlin and the treacherous Madam Mim had ended. Merlin had attempted to end the duel by transforming into a germ-- a rare disease called "malagolintomontorosis"-- trying to infect and debilitate his opponent. It had been a desperate gambit...

And it had FAILED. It was a simple matter for Mim to use her magic to nullify the harmful effects of the disease. Now Merlin was trapped, his magic useless against the enchanted stomach of the evil sorceress. Even Merlin's educated owl Archimedes was powerless to help as the struggles within the belly of the witch grew slower and slower.

The victorious Madam Mim simply lay there, panting victoriously, reveling in her victory, softly cheering to herself, "...I win! I win! I WIN!!!"

Story by Kid Clef
Artwork by J. Mariano Luengo

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