Gypsy of the Jungle

Beauty was indeed deadly. At least, that was the lesson that intrepid explorers Marcus and Michelle were forced to learn in the jungle of Amazonia. Of course, it wasn't a hard lesson to learn. One only had to look at the beast girls or beautiful flowers meant to lure in prey. Then again, neither of them could have expected a caterpillar to lead to their downfall.

The two explorers came across a giant caterpillar about the size of a child munching on leaves on the jungle floor. Enchanted, Marcus picks the bug up, cuddling and inspecting it. The harmless little bug cooed cutely while he held it, Michelle fawning over it as well.

A "woosh" sound was heard and Michelle went quiet. Marcus turned around to see a butterfly girl with Michelle's legs sticking out of her mouth. The creature slurped her down and swallowed. Michelle's muddy boots somehow got removed in the middle of this process, so the last Marcus saw of his romantic partner were her bare feet as they wiggled down the monster's throat.

The butterfly girl burped.

"Oh, thank you for looking after the little one..." She approached Marcus with her belly still visibly filled with his lover. "She can be a real handful. Now, there's just one more thing I need you to do for her..."

The monarchette grinned as she stuck her long tongue into his ear.

Story by Soroxas2
Artwork by Wanted Waifus - Melv

High resolution (3000x4650)

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