Grocery Gulper: Pears

The rattle of a few shopping carts and hit pop songs filled the sounds of the midday shopping mart. The pear-shaped Thalia turned the similar fruit over in her hand, seeing if this was the right pear for the salad she had planned for a snack.

Unknown to her, someone had just found their own pear to snack on.

Thalia was in shock. No predator had ever managed to get their lips past her hips. However, as the predator grabbed her shoulders and crammed Thalia's upper half in from behind, they leaned back, using gravity to force the large rear of the pear-shaped woman into her waiting belly.

Thalia was stuffed inside with ease. She pounded on the roof of the stomach to no avail, only hearing a muffled burp for her efforts. Thalia felt the predator move as they caressed their now pear-shaped stomach, sauntering further into the shopping mart.

Story by MagusVMaygus
Artwork by J. Mariano Luengo

High resolution (3300x5100)

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