Getting Nosey-er

A day at the beach takes a strange turn for the worse as more and more people find themselves shrinking after eating a strange new ice cream flavor. Luckily, some people have shrunk near Sabrina’s sleeping body and have begun making their way toward her ears, climbing just about anything they can get their tiny hands on. Most make it onto her stomach and walk the path that Nate took when he was shrunk on Sabrina.

After passing Sabrina’s massive breasts, climbing onto her chin, and making it past her mouth, they find themselves staring at their final obstacle-- Sabrina’s Nose. The tiny people formulate plans to get around her nose, but the sleeping behemoth’s nose begins to twitch and her calm breaths turn into sudden snorts. The tiny people try their best to move out of the way of her sudden inhales, but are quickly sucked up into Sabrina’s nasal cavity. Most are sucked through Sabrina’s nasal passages and are sent past her uvula into her stomach, but some tinies are able to grab ahold of her nose hairs, saving themselves for a brief moment.

Unfortunately for them, Sabrina catches whiffs of their multiple aromas. The still-sleeping beauty begins to sniff continuously as her head moves from side to side, trying to identify where these strange scents are coming from, The constant inhaling forces the tinies to lose their grip and they fly through her nasal passage at blinding speeds.

Sabrina calms down and returns to her original sleeping position, completely unaware of all the people she has just inhaled. After some time, she awakens and notices how the once-packed beach is a barren landscape. She looks around for her boyfriend but concludes he must’ve gone back to the car. Sabrina wonders where everyone must’ve gone as she unlocks the car door, completely unaware that most of the beachgoers are now stuck inside her stomach trying desperately to get out.

Story by Notthisagain
Artwork by Octo

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