Enjoying Yourself After a Meal

Ess Vee and Guarian have always been very good friends, but recently, when Ess found a lover and got herself knocked up, they've become even closer. Guarian already had three kids a few years back, so she knows what Ess is going through (more or less) and sympathizes with her more easily than Ess' other friends.

Guarian gave Ess a great deal of advice for her upcoming motherhood, so Ess decided to repay the kind centaur with a meal. However, a normal meal between two predators would not have been a very good gift.

Luckily, Ess managed to procure some delicious, cream-covered women (and there's nothing Guarian enjoys more than a cream-covered woman after a hard day's work).

Needless to say, they both are having a very good time.

Story by SV-Writer
Artwork by Altercomics - Churin

High resolution (4943x3518)

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