Deal in the Night

It was supposed to be an easy job. Meet at the town square, get the payment, give the package, and get back to the Guild. Simple.

So why did it have to go so wrong? The client arrived on time with a few guards, the transaction started smoothly... then... something struck.

The place was covered in smoke. The guards got swallowed first. The client tried to run but tripped. My colleagues got incapacitated too...

As the smoke cleared, I saw *her.* She was standing above the client, swallowing his legs first, her stomach bulging with the guards. In a few gulps, she was finished and turned to my colleagues.

Before my brain could understand, she was... eating all of us... They were gone down her throat. Then she turned to me, grabbed my shoulders, and smiled.

"Sorry," she apologized. "Someone else wanted this package. They didn't want witnesses, and... I was a bit hungry," she said playfully before opening her maw wide.

Story by DB1224
Artwork by Oscar Celestini

High resolution (2500x3742)

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