A Tasty, Gluttonous Sandwich

Kenzie had already finished off one friend-sandwich and, despite feeling very full after her meal, needed seconds. The squirming struggles of Amber were still evident in her pudgy belly as she set Chelsea on the next piece of bread.

'Time for seconds' Kenzie giggled, rubbing her squirming gut.

'I'm ready, I hope I taste good.' The blond giggled as she curled up on the bread.

Kenzie could only smile in reply, tying a thread around the top piece of bread and her next meal. Hefting the sandwich up, she paused to open her mouth before slowly inserting it down her throat, Chelsea's world suddenly going black as she slid deeper into her friend's open mouth.

Kenzie burped as her stomach surged from the added weight.

'That was tasty! I sure hope that Amanda gets here soon... I'm still hungry for dessert.'

Story by Zewhatcher
Artwork by Sedna - Kaka

High resolution (3508x2480)

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