A Horrific Swim

The naked slave girl fell through the small, fleshy opening into the fleshy pit. She was covered not only in saliva, but now some hot, thick slime was covering her body like a sort of gel. She tried to stand, but kept falling onto the wet surface. The more she tried to move, the more she was covered in the jelly-like goop.

The smell was vile and the air was hot, but somehow her new prison was well lit.

Suddenly, a loud piercing scream caught her attention. The girl turned her head to find the other slave who was swallowed alive just minutes before screaming in fear and agony. She too was covered in the thick clear slime, it clinging tightly to her voluptuous frame.

The redhead's eyes widened in horror. As her eyes focused on her fellow slave, she saw that the poor girl's flesh was being eaten away by the ravenous gel, the clear liquid turning red as it hungrily ate away at the meat it coated.

The dissolving young woman reached her arm out. 'Help me' she cried! 'Save me, PLEASE!'

The redhead's eyes filled with tears as she watched the girl beg for help. The ooze was doing its work well. The victim let out a long ear piercing scream as what remained of her lovely body plopped to the ground.

The surviving slave's eyes filled with a sudden realization of terror as she quickly looked down at her skin, the gelatinous goo on her body began to tingle...

Story by Megamanwe
Artwork by Sedna - LRC

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